luni, 3 ianuarie 2011

Morandi - Midnight Train

La multi aaaaani! big grin Am avut o vacanta prelungita insa revin cu multe stiri. Colegii mei sunt inzapeziti prin tara asa ca eu incerc sa va aduc cele mai importante piese lansate in ultimele zile.
Odata cu inceperea noului an s-a lansat noul single Morandi – Midnight Train. Este al treilea single extras de pe viitorul album, Zebra.
Piesa a fost compusa de Randi acum cativa ani si terminata curand de el si Marius. A fost lansata pe siteul unde a aparut si un scurt interviu cu Morandi. Au vorbit despre videoclipul Midnight Train ce va fi lansat in curand.
Do you have an idea for the video?
Marius: Yes, the video will appear in January, it will be connected with the song idea. We often say in difficult situations when we can’t stand anymore: “somebody, take me away”, so it will be a train that takes you away from troubles, pain, worries. It’s such a metaphorical train… like “midnight train, take me away”.
What is the style of it?
Marius: It’s a Morandi song that is more like “Save me” than “Rock the world”. It will be our next single and it’s gonna be good one. happy The song message is very personal, so we hope that many people will like it and really feel it.
Randi: It’s nostalgic…
Marius: Nostalgic, yeah!
Cu ocazia lansarii acestei melodii a fost relansat si forumul oficial Morandi. Acesta a implinit patru ani zilele trecute si a sarbatorit acest eveniment cu un nou design si un concurs. Detalii gasiti pe forum.
Mai jos puteti asculta melodia. Pareri?happy

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